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Nena: Giant scandal about the school of the singer

Photo: Getty

Nena (52) is in criticism with her self-founded school . The students are running away - and experts are even calling for closure!

For the popular "The Voice" juror, the scandal surrounding her school is a real image debacle. At the school that Nena founded in 2007 together with her partner Philipp Palm (40), children can learn whenever they want. The novel learning concept had been developed by Nena herself.

From the beginning there was criticism, but now the situation is getting worse: Experts even demand the closure of the school! "Such an obscure school construct should not have been approved by the school board, " said Ursula Caberta of the Supreme Land Youth Authority outraged "Closer". More and more parents are suspicious and take their children from school.

But how bad are the conditions really? The children come and go when they want, they often do not learn for days, they say. Even bullying and violence is mentioned. It looks like Nena's revolutionary school concept is about to fail ...

Read the full story in the current "Closer".

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