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Nail fungus treatment - the nail fungus varnish

Nail fungus treatment is best for medical nail fungus varnishes.
Photo: iStock
  1. nail fungus
  2. The nail fungus symptoms
  3. The nail fungus treatment

nail fungus

One in five suffers from nail fungus. Unfortunately, the fungus never heals by itself. Therefore, an early nail fungus treatment is even more important. Everything about nail fungus varnish.

The spurs lurk almost everywhere: in bathrooms, changing rooms or saunas. But even in bath mats or on (hotel) carpets, the microorganisms feel very well and wait in peace for the next foot to collect them. We reveal how you recognize nail fungus and how you treat nail fungus .

Experts estimate that every fifth person has a fungal infection of the nail. Unfortunately, nail fungus never heals by itself. Therefore, an early nail fungus treatment is all the more important.

The nail fungus symptoms

A first sign of nail fungus may already be that the nails increasingly lose their shine . Then they turn yellowish . In advanced disease , the nail plate thickens, becomes friable or even detached from the nail bed.

If it has already come so far, one should consult a doctor to talk about the right therapy.

The nail fungus treatment

If one recognizes the changes early, one can maintain the nail completely healthy with an immediate nail fungus treatment . Medical lacquers are best suited.

Which lacquer?

One thing is common to the nail fungus varnish in a nail fungus treatment : You have to apply it regularly. And yet there are differences. Many paints are water-insoluble: If you want to apply the paint with the anti-fungal agent again, you have to file off the old layer first. And according to studies, the drug does not penetrate too deeply. This is different with a special water-soluble paint such as "Ciclopoli against nail fungus" (over-the-counter, pharmacy). He forms a film that penetrates deeper into the nail and the drug "ciclopirox" virtually "takes". A study shows that in patients who had previously used another varnish without success, 62 percent of the participants with this drug were fungus-free after six months.


For optimal effect, apply the nail fungus varnish daily before bedtime . After six hours he is sufficiently recovered and can act undisturbed.

How long?

Until the diseased nails are clear again and healthy nail has regrown. Normally, the complete healing of fingernails takes about six months, with toenails it usually takes nine to twelve months . Patients should therefore not lose patience.

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