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After racism saying: girl tries to wash off skin color

Photo: Screenshot Facebook / Rachel Muir

This story makes you sad ...

Terrible: Little Samara just wanted to spend a nice day with her mother. But a racist saying of a family makes her wish she was someone else ...

But what had happened? Three-year-old Samara Muir and her mother Rachel attended a party for fans of the Disney movie "The Frozen" in a Melbourne shopping mall. There, the two lined up in a queue to visit the snow cave. But suddenly they were verbally attacked by a mother with her two little daughters.

"We stood in line when a woman leaned over to her daughter and said to her, 'I do not know why the girl is so enthusiastic, Elsa is not black', the daughter said, 'Yes, she is black and black is ugly '", continues Rachel Muir according to

A few days later, Rachel Muir notes changes in her daughter's behavior. The little Samara suddenly does not want to be in her aboriginal dance class anymore. Their reasoning: "Because black is ugly". Then Samara starts bathing every day. " She took the peeling gloves and scrubbed until she was completely red, telling her that her skin color would not go away, " said Mama Rachel.

Me & Samara

Posted by Rachel Muir on Thursday, April 9, 2015

Shocked, Rachel Muir posts her story on her Facebook account - and receives instead of racist slogans, warm words and a lot of encouragement. Over one hundred messages of encouragement have already reached the mother. And also Samara has regained her self-confidence.

"She tells people that having their own skin color by scrubbing does not go away and that you should be proud of who you are, and she's certainly proud of her culture - and tomorrow she'll go back to her dance group, " says Rachel Muir at the end.

My daughter was in tears when we were at watergarden for the frozen activities as a mother & her 2 daughters told my ...

Posted by Rachel Muir on Sunday, May 31, 2015

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