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Bold Step Tummy Miscarriage - Why Sila Sahin is a heroine for many

Miscarriage ?! You do not talk about that! Why Sila Sahin breaks this taboo and is celebrated by all, tells our colleague Justyna.

Photo: gettyimages / Isa Foltin

"Two years ago, I was pregnant and lost the child in the early stages!" This sentence by actress Sila Sahin struck like a bomb! In the VOX show "6 mothers" she spoke openly about the heavy fate "miscarriage". A topic that is usually swept under the carpet ...

I have to admit, when I saw the confession of Sila on TV, some tears rolled over even with me. Not because I'm such a big fan or feel very close to her! No, her pain hit me right in the heart. She has lost a baby - the worst thing that can happen to a woman!

"That was very bad for me then. You think you've done something wrong yourself and you're not perfect. You think you're not a woman enough if you can not finish it, "said the actress crying in front of the camera. It was perhaps one of the hardest interviews she ever had to lead. But it is exactly for this courage and this strength to talk so openly about the taboo topic, she is grateful to countless women!

Because sad as it sounds: Sila Sahin is only one of many!

Sila Sahin-Radlinger talks about her miscarriage in "6 Moms"

Every third woman suffers a miscarriage

You only have to look at the statistics once. About every third woman suffers a miscarriage! If you ask friends, at work or in the family, almost everyone can say something about the subject. Either he himself is affected or knows someone who had to process this loss.

And many women are ashamed, blame themselves, do not feel feminine enough - and most of all alone! Just like Sila.

After broadcasting, the ex-GZSZ star received countless messages from women who felt the same way and are grateful for their honesty. Because she shows, they are not alone with the pain! Others are doing the same thing. Instead of blaming themselves or being ashamed, women should be able to share their grief and pain and give each other strength. And most importantly, you must understand that they are not to blame for the terrible loss they suffered!

This article is part of #wunderbarECHT, an action for more authenticity on the net. Be there!

Happy ending for Sila

Incidentally, there is a happy ending for Sila Sahin! Almost a year after the miscarriage, she became pregnant again and today is the proud mum of little Elijah! AND: She is expecting her second baby! "This child is a godsend for us, " the 33-year-old is certain.

More about Miscarriage:

"A Heavenly Family" star Beverley Mitchell talks about twin abortion

"No medical waste": Mother post images of dead fetus with emotional message

After a miscarriage: Mother writes heartfelt letter to her dead daughter
