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Improve memory with turmeric

Photo: iStock
  1. Turmeric in dementia
  2. Turmeric improves memory performance by six hours
  3. Turmeric also helps with cancer and depression

Turmeric in dementia

Just one gram of turmeric for breakfast should improve our memory by six hours. Everything about the miracle spice turmeric.

That spices have a special healing power is not new. Ginger helps with nausea, caraway with digestive problems. And turmeric? Turmeric is best known for its memory-enhancing properties. Researchers from Australia and Taiwan have now found that one gram of turmeric for breakfast has a positive impact on memory.

Turmeric is popular in Asian countries. It is an integral part of the Indian and Ayurvedic cuisine, colors food yellow and gives the spice blend curry its special touch. But it can do much more. Turmeric improves memory, to be more precise, working memory.

Turmeric improves memory performance by six hours

Forgot something that you really wanted to remember? The working memory is to blame. It stores information, learns new knowledge and solves complex tasks. Researchers at Monash University in Australia have found out in a unique experiment that one gram of turmeric can optimize working memory for six hours. Especially people with diabetes could benefit from this result: "Even these small amounts could improve the working memory of older people with prediabetes over six hours, " says study author Professor Mark Wahlqvist from Monash University in Melbourne.

The reason: curcumin. An ingredient that gives Curcuma its rich color. "Our findings are consistent with these observations in that Curcuma appears to enhance cognitive function in people with impaired energy metabolism and insulin resistance, " says Wahlqvist. An early intervention, for example in the administration of turmeric, can stop the mental degradation or reduce its influence, the expert said.

Turmeric also helps with cancer and depression

In further studies, researchers have found that turmeric can relieve cancer. The yellow dye of spicy spice is said to prevent the formation of metastases and inhibit existing cancer cells. Turmeric can also help with depression. Researchers at the Bhavnagar State Medical College say turmeric is better at helping fluoxetine, a classic antidepressant.
