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Stomach cramps through red wine or lipstick?

Also in cosmetic products is gluten. The result: Violent stomach cramps.
Photo: iStock

stomach pain

Stress, tension or an infection - stomach cramps can have many causes. Sometimes quite different things like red wine or lipstick are behind it.

Stomach cramps by red wine

8.9 percent of women do not tolerate red wine. Above all, this is due to the so-called "histamine" contained in it. But certain proteins in red wine can trigger the following symptoms: itching, redness, runny nose, diarrhea and stomach cramps. Then the wine should be shunned or enjoyed only in very small quantities.

Stomach cramps due to lipstick

Anyone who reacts to gluten (the gluten in cereals) with signs of intolerance such as stomach cramps or diarrhea, of course, waives wheat, rye & Co. But what few people know: Also in cosmetic products such as lipstick or toothpaste is often gluten, but is not labeled. The problem is that the substance can enter the metabolism directly through the mouth. Look for Latin names like Triticum (wheat), Secale (rye) or Hordeum vulgare (barley).

Stomach cramps by milk

A milk coffee for breakfast or a piece of cream cake for dessert: For twelve million Germans this pleasure would have unpleasant consequences - abdominal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea. The reason: they suffer from lactose intolerance. You can not digest the milk sugar properly.

Almost 20 percent of Germans complain of stomach cramps after eating dairy products.

This intolerance can be determined with a H2-breath test (family doctor, health insurance). Those who suffer from this should resort to lactose-free dairy products. But that is not always possible. Many restaurants and cafes do not offer these. The way out: tablets that replace the missing lactase (eg Lactostop, pharmacy). Gastrointestinal complaints after the consumption of dairy-containing foods are noticeably reduced.

Stomach cramps due to salami

Actually, the evening should be so nice at the Italian - but after a few bites of salami pizza it starts: The nose is running, the heart is racing, the breathing is difficult, sometimes there are also abdominal pain. 1-3 percent of Germans know the problem: they suffer from histamine intolerance. In severe cases help medication, otherwise it is sufficient to avoid strong histamine-containing foods such as salami, sauerkraut or mature cheese.

Stomach cramps due to crispbread

If the crispbread causes stress, this is because the Swedish import often contains lactose. And today more and more people do not tolerate it well: in around 15 percent of Germans, the body reacts rebelliously to dairy products, crispbread, chocolate or sausage. The result: abdominal pain, nausea or nervousness. A breath test at the doctor shows if there is lactose intolerance.

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