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Definition, causes and symptoms of lung weakness

A lung weakness describes the obstruction of breathing. Take a deep breath - you have to be able to do that first. For millions of people, breathing is not a matter of course, they suffer from a lung weakness. They regularly suffer from pain, coughing or even suffocation. The lung does not succeed in a lung weakness, to transport oxygen without problems in the bloodstream. Allergies may be responsible for this: when in contact with irritants, the bronchi are inflamed. Increasingly, however, doctors diagnose lung weakness, ie chronic damage to the respiratory system, which is mainly caused by smoking. Regular inhalation of toxins in the workplace can be responsible for the lung weakness . Sometimes childhood infections and developmental disorders promote diseases of the lungs, such as lung weakness . When overloaded with pollutants, it will produce more and more mucus to cleanse itself. Breathing suffers. Sometimes lung tissue is irretrievably destroyed. The symptoms of lung weakness are creeping in most cases: one has to cough more often and tends to shortness of breath. Especially in the morning only violent attacks of coughing can liberate the lungs from mucus. Later there are whistling noises and breathlessness. First with greater effort, then with everyday activities.

Treatment of lung weakness

In order to effectively treat a lung weakness, it is essential to quit smoking. Depending on the extent of the lung weakness help movement exercises, drugs and oxygen therapies.

Prevention and self-help with lung weakness

One can best prevent a lung weakness by protecting oneself from pollutants - above all from nicotine. In addition, exercise and healthy nutrition are very important for lung weakness. Since influenza diseases put a strain on the lungs, you have to be careful in any case. The doctor can decide if vaccination against influenza is advisable.

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