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Life Hacks: everyday tricks from the internet

Photo: YouTube / Dave Hax

The right solution for every problem

How do you quickly fold T-shirts, light candles without a lighter or build a cell phone stand? So-called "life hackers" find creative solutions to everyday problems like these.

Pretty cold outside, so it's better to put on a jacket. Damn, the zipper is stuck! But grandma has given us a good trick: Just paint the tips with a pencil and the shutter is running smoothly. If only simple solutions exist for all problems. But there is, Life Hackers make it possible!

Life Hackers are bloggers who are committed to finding creative solutions to all sorts of everyday problems. They film their tips and tricks and then put the videos on the net. Dave Hax is one of them. He regularly uploads videos to his YouTube channel . His life hacks often have several million clicks. Life hacking is a new trend on the net, because nowadays it is no longer a matter of course to know how to save an over-salted soup or get scratches from the parquet floor. Especially young people do not know the tips and tricks around the household, which used to be common knowledge. "In 80 percent of households, this transfer of knowledge from generation to generation no longer takes place, " says trend researcher Karin Frick.

But also completely new, creative do-it-yourself tricks are part of life hacking. From a light bulb, a hanger and the LED light of a key fob, for example, Dave Hax builds an illuminated vase in an instant. From helpful to totally banal, there is a life-hack solution to almost every problem. The bloggers often do not take themselves seriously, because a certain amount of fun is definitely one of them!

Here are two great live -hack videos by Dave Hax:
