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Letizia from Spain: Now her sister Telma is extremely slim as well

Crown Princess Letizia of Spain has long been obsessed with a slimming delusion.
Photo: Getty Images

The Spaniards are worried

First, the plastic surgery, then the skinny-guy: One could think that Crown Princess Letizia of Spain has taken the Hollywood women as a role model. That alone is disturbing enough, but now Letizia from Spain also puts on her sister Telma with the lean mind.

Gossip out of concern: The Spaniards have long known that their crown princess Letizia of Spain is leaner than good health . Now, in a Spanish magazine titled "The extreme thinness, " photos of Letizia's sister Telma appeared. Pictures that are disturbing, show the young woman in bikini by a pool in Barcelona with extremely thin arms and prominent ribs.

Apparently, Telma (38), like Letizia of Spain (39), is caught in a "slimming virus, " because the anorexia patout does not want to know anything about anorexia. All inquiries from journalists have so far been ignored. "Dreaming sisters became problematic sisters", commentator Eva Cabrero commented in a Spanish television report. She made clear what the people hoped for: a glamorous sister couple like Catherine and Pippa in England.

But this wish will probably not be fulfilled. Already four years ago, Erika, the second sister of Letizia of Spain, died under secretive circumstances. She is said to have suffered from depression. And now Letizia from Spain and Telma, both of which look spindly in photos. No wonder the Spaniards are worrying.

Felipe and Letizia of Spain : >> Your deep kiss!

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