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Editor'S Choice

Shortly after her beloved dog dies, they discover THAT here in their kitchen!

Recently the beloved dog of this family died. But then it smells of wet dog fur in her kitchen.

Does this video show the spirit of a deceased dog?
Photo: YouTube / Jack Courtney

Shortly afterwards they see this in their kitchen ...

Watch the door!

Is this video really showing the spirit of the deceased dog?

We do not know it. But it's funny that just at that moment the empty floor is filmed, in which this green glow comes through the door. He certainly looks amazing to the silhouette of a dog.

What is certain, however, is that the love and the memories of a faithful companion stay with us for a lifetime.

Even if our dog or cat has died, the loving memories of these animals can still give us beautiful moments of emotional connection.

Also very touching:

After the death of this dog, its owner makes a great proof of love

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