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War trauma: dogs as therapists

"Wake up!" - Dogs feel if their caregiver suffers.
Photo: youtube 'The Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation (KNGF)'

Promotional clip: Dogs help traumatized war soldiers

Fire, gunfire, screaming from afar - the soldier, the fear is written in the face. A nightmare that ends abruptly with the encouraging whimpering of his dog.

The scene, which is part of an advertising clip here, shows what is a bitter reality for many soldiers of the war. After their return, about one-fifth of all soldiers are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorders. In addition to persistent nightmares, which are shown in the commercial , there are also feelings of alienation and depressive moods. Effective antidote: A friend with four paws and a cold nose.

The promotional clip of the foundation 'KNGF - guide dogs' shows how dogs can relieve post-traumatic disorders. "The Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation (KNGF) not only provides dogs for the blind. Even people who have seen too much - war soldiers suffering from a shock or trauma - can be helped by dogs, "says Creative Director Niels Westra about his clip.

Dogs intuitively feel when their master suffers

With their extraordinary flair, the four-legged friends intervene at Albräume, licking the war veterans comforting over the face or nudging them until they wake up. In the US, dogs have been used as effective therapists for soldiers from Afghanistan or Iraq for years.

The Dutch clip, which draws attention to the possibility of war trauma therapy with dogs, was awarded the 'Gouden Loeki' for the best advertising.

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