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Sick in Summer Summer Flu: How to protect yourself from it

The sun is shining, we move a lot in the fresh air and vegetables and fruits are available daily on our menu. A win-win situation for our health - actually, because even in summer, viruses are active.

Photo: iStock // PeopleImages

Colds occur only in winter? Unfortunately, no! Even in the warm season, viruses are on the way and not infrequently caught us then just a "summer flu". Reasons include: The frequent temperature differences from warm to cold coupled with rain showers and the constant contact with air conditioning systems make our defense to create. Our immune system is damaged, cold viruses can penetrate more easily and trigger a flu infection - popularly known as "summer flu".

Symptoms of a summer flu: cough, runny nose and fever

Congestive nose, cough, throat, head and earache, as well as aching limbs and fever are the typical symptoms of summer flu. It does not differ in terms of symptoms from the typical cold in winter. However, summer flu has nothing to do with a real flu, as it is usually much worse and is caused by influenza viruses. The causative agents of summer flu infections are usually entero-, coxsackie- and echoviruses.

Why do viruses have a particularly easy time in summer?

There are many reasons for that. Above all, the body is affected by temperature fluctuations. We sweat outside and the next moment we enter a strongly conditioned room and immediately get the chill. No wonder the immune system suffers. Air conditioners and open windows during car rides also ensure that the mucous membranes dry out and become cracked. This makes it easier for viruses to penetrate through these openings, into the body. Insufficient hydration and prolonged sunbathing also weaken our defenses and make us more susceptible to infections during the summer.

Risk of infection: where is it particularly high?

Summer is the season of open-air events and open-air visits, where many people frolic in a small space. Since the viruses are transmitted by droplet infection from person to person, these are of course places where it is particularly easy to get infected. Equally predestined for contagion are buses and trains. The viruses of the summer flu like heat and high humidity very much and can survive under such climatic conditions, as they prevail in public transport, especially long.

What can one do against a summer flu?

A flu infection is always an unpleasant matter. The good news is that the summer flu is usually over after just a few days. In order to alleviate the symptoms and especially to make the cough bearable - especially when private or professional important appointments are pending - you can take herbal cough preparations. A lot of rest, tea, inhale, gargle and calf wrap with a high fever also help to get up quickly and leave the summer flu behind.

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