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A headache? Maybe you are missing water

Some triggers for headaches are often not obvious and are often underestimated
Photo: amaxim, fotolia

Feel-good world

Often there are triggers that you do not even think about. The recipe of Germany's leading headache expert Professor Hartmut Göbel: find and avoid.

Experts call headaches the common disease number one. 70 percent of Germans have them again and again. There are 250 species. The most common are oppressive, bilateral tension headaches with 27 million sufferers and the most one-sided, pulsating migraine with eight million people affected.

"Often there are triggers that are not immediately obvious, " says Professor Hartmut Göbel. "And you can definitely avoid that." Germany's leading headache expert explains the most frequently underrated "triggers".

Too little water does not like the brain. "Even a small deficiency can trigger a headache." The blood thickens a bit, less oxygen gets into the brain. Professor Göbel: "One should drink two to three liters daily." Mineral water and fruit spritzers are good. " Acute Aid: Drink a big glass of water.

Do not drink too cold. The cold irritation causes blood vessels in the brain to contract. This can also happen with ice cream. You should eat ice cream slowly and not push against the palate if possible. "

If magnesium is missing, it interferes with the sensitive metabolism in the brain. "This is often also a cause of migraine. Eat magnesium rich, such as wholegrain bread, organic cereals, nuts and spinach more often." Acute Aid: Take a Magnesium Tablet (Pharmacy).

The coffee trap also underestimate many people. Caffeine increases blood flow. "If you do not take the usual coffee dose then, for example on weekends, the brain can respond to this withdrawal with pain." Acutely one of the tips helps right. Long-term help: Reduce your coffee consumption gradually.

Heat also increases blood flow in the brain. Researchers found that every five degrees more air temperature increases the headache risk by 7.5 percent. "The veins dilate significantly, which can also irritate the pain nerves." If you stay in the shade in the heat, put a damp, not too cold cloth on the neck. "

Hair clips sometimes press unhappy on pain nerves in the connective tissue on the head. "Even a tight hat, a headband, or tightly tied back hair can cause pain, do not wear a tight headgear, hairdress your hair loose."

If the blood sugar fluctuates significantly, this can also be a cause, eg. For example, on a diet or when you have missed a meal. This prevents "sugar-headache". Dr. Göbel: "Eat regularly, look for a hearty, high-carbohydrate breakfast with wholegrain, always have lunch at the same time."

Also fragrances should not be underestimated. Especially in migraine patients, they can trigger attacks. "Avoid room fresheners, fragrance lamps, perfumes, or highly scented cleaners - ventilate more often."

Leaning teeth tense up the masticatory muscles. "This can radiate into the neck and neck and exhaust the body's pain control, " says Professor Göbel. "It's worth checking the bite with the dentist, who often corrects a malposition by minimizing the abrasion of the corresponding site."

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The graduate psychologist Professor dr. Hartmut Göbel (51, married, two children) is a specialist in neurology, special pain therapy and psychotherapy. He manages the Pain Clinic Kiel, which goes from 1997 in the treatment of pain, including migraine and other headaches, new ways.

Hartmut Göbel, a member of many medical societies, explores these diseases. His work has been honored with many international and national awards. B. with the German Award for pain research and pain therapy. He is considered the leading headache expert in Germany.

He was also known by patient counselors such as "Success against headache and migraine".
