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Comic phobia "My phobia does not understand another woman

You think spiders disgusting? Of course, everyone understands that. Nobody can understand my phobia - especially no woman. My friend is happy about it though.

Photo: iStock / LightFieldStudios

If I gesture people, which causes me real disgust, this usually causes torn eyes and violent shaking of the head. I look into impassive faces, because my phobia no one can understand. Most of all, women are astonished, because for many of them, what makes me shudder is the most beautiful thing in the world. They always want to have it on their body, they often do not leave the house without it, and only lay it down for sleeping and doing sports. There is talk of jewelry, in any form it disgusts me. Yes, I confess it, I have a jewelry phobia .

Jewelery triggers disgust with me

If I see people who "decorate" their bodies with jewelry over and over, I have to look the other way. The more filigree the jewelry is, the worse I find it . The most obvious: gold chains. Do not get me wrong, every person should wear what he wants, I just do not want to get close to a jeweled person, let alone hug. It triggers a shudder in my mind, if I imagine I could touch the chain. To touch chains and Co. is really disgusting for me.

This article is part of #wunderbarECHT, an action for more authenticity on the net. Be there!

My friends are very purist

Apparently, I also look at the selection of my girlfriends: If I look at them, she unites her purism. Some wear small earrings, but I can overlook it. One of my closest friends has a toe ring, but he is usually well hidden under socks. But not really any of them are really badly hung with jewelry. I also remember that I used to be friends with a girl because she had so much jewelry on her body. I thought she was very nice, but her sight caused me (sorry!) Disgust.

Where my dislike of it comes from, I can not say exactly. My mother wears jewelery (I hug her anyway), so I had something to do with it as a child. As far as I can remember, I've always had this phobia.

My friend had a lip piercing

It was bad when I met my friend. When I saw him for the first time, I found him totally attractive, but he did have a thing in his face that completely disfigured him: a lip piercing! Fortunately, when we got closer, he had already made it his own. Phew, I do not know if anything else would have happened to us ...

By the way, my friend thinks my jewelry phobia is great. He is happy that he does not need to buy me expensive rings and chains. ;)

More about phobia:

Strange phobias: Why I hate Capri ice cream

How parents transmit fears and phobias to their children

Fear of people: These signs speak for a social phobia

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