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Children's photo "Success Kid" Sam uses his celebrity to raise funds for his father

Sam is the "Success Kid" a photo made him famous about 8 years ago. In the meantime it has been used for countless pictures - so-called memes.

This photo has made Sam famous
Photo: wikipedia

Today, Sam, who was posing with his clenched fist in the sand at the time, is 8 years old. When his mother published the photo of the then eleven-month-old Sam, the family did not think that Sam would become so famous.

But the attention that Sam's photo brought has now saved his father's life.

In 2015, Sam's father got the diagnosis that he needed a new kidney. Because the operating costs were so insane and the family could not afford it, they thought of using Sam's celebrity to save his father's life.

Many people remembered little Sam. After the family opened a Go Fund Me page, people donated via the website. So many people enjoy Sam's photo and the matching pictures. And they wanted to give that back. In total, about $ 75, 000 came together. So the kidney transplant could be paid. Today, Sam's father is doing much better.

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