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Coffee and Pill: Not a good combination

The pill has an impact on caffeine removal
Photo: iStock
  1. That's why you should drink less coffee if you take the pill
  2. Coffee and pill
  3. Danger to health?

That's why you should drink less coffee if you take the pill

You love coffee? If you take the pill, you should reduce your coffee consumption slightly.

Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants and low calories - unless we turn it into a calorie bomb with milk, sugar or syrup. Regular coffee consumption of 3-4 cups a day can protect us from diabetes, liver and heart disease. Coffee not only protects our health, it also lifts our spirits and lowers our stress levels. But for women who use the pill, it can have unpleasant side effects.

Coffee and pill

Do you feel an inner turmoil? Can you sleep badly at night? Then it might be because you drink coffee and take the anti-baby pill. The pill ensures that the caffeine in the body is broken down more slowly. Women who take no pill have broken down half of the caffeine in their blood after five to six hours. It takes twice as long for women who use hormonal contraception!

Danger to health?

Especially the women who do not take hormone supplements benefit from the health benefits of coffee. Because slowing down coffee in the worst case can lead to cardiovascular diseases! But that only happens if you overdo it with drinking coffee. Two cups of coffee are okay even if you take the pill. But only with insomnia and strong restlessness you should completely abandon the coffee.

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