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Jutta Speidel and her Bruno: love is to be silly sometimes

Jutta Speidel: Love with highs and lows - but above all with a lot of fun and humor
Photo: Getty Images

The happiness recipe of the couple

Tender gestures, intimate glances: actress Jutta Speidel (58, "For God's sake") and her "cappuccino man" Bruno Maccallini (52, "All My Loves") are still as in love as ever since the beginning of their romance ten years.

But what is the magical secret of this great "Amore"? "The different temperament makes it exciting, " raves the Munich-dialect. "It never gets boring, even though we know each other very well."

But even the common humor lends the right spice to their relationship: If Bruno comes up with silly ideas, then even with Jutta no eye remains dry.

The two have another trick to save the butterflies in the stomach from fluttering: "We do not live together, but constantly commuting between Rome and Munich. That helps our relationship. When we meet, we enjoy the precious time and do not waste it, "explains Bruno .

Quite a lot of time spent the couple recently on a bike ride through the Alps - from Munich to sunny Merano. However, it was not always very harmonious: sometimes the thoroughbred Italian, who considers himself "rather lazy", had to be motivated to pedal a bit, sometimes a missed downhill made for thick air.

However, Jutta Speidel and Bruno can not be angry for a long time: " Love is like a bike ride through the mountains - sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down, " laughs Bruno. And with the right amount of humor you can beat some mountain better. By the way: Your turbulent bike tour will now be shown on ZDF (4 November 20.15, in the series "ZDF Herzkino"). Title of the show: "We do not have a car".

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