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Justin Bieber saves fan

Heroic action: Justin saves girls from the crowd


Justin Bieber / ©

Wherever Justin Bieber goes, a huge fan-pack follows him. Last week, hundreds of fans waited in front of the "Radio One" studios in London to have a look at their darling. When Justin finally came outside after his interview with the radio station, the English teenies were completely turned on. A little girl was pushed so hard against the barrier that she could barely breathe. The "Love Me" singer did not hesitate for long: he grabbed the little girl and pulled her out of the crowd. Justin's fans are thrilled with the exploit. "Justin Bieber is the cutest person in the world, " a fan commented on Justin's bailout on a website. Many celebrities would not have reacted like that, the users agree: "I wonder what other stars would have done, " wrote a fan on the net. "They probably just called their bodyguard to do it for them."

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