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Judith Williams & Alexander-Klaus Stecher: Visit to the SOS Children's Village

"It's so important to share your happiness!"

Sophia (5) and her sister Angelina (3) asked their parents: "HSE24 presenter Judith Williams (40) and TV star Alexander-Klaus Stecher (44) visited the SOS with them -Mütter- und Kindertageszentrum in Munich We accompanied the family and talked to the couple ...

Why do you support the SOS Children's Village and not another organization?

Judith Williams: I've had some borderline experiences in my life. When I got pregnant, I quickly realized that I have to raise my child alone. I was about to start a career. At that time I could understand for the first time, what it is a burden for mothers and fathers, child and career to get under one hat. I was wondering how people do it, whose desire to have children is not as strong as mine. Because for me it would never have been possible to give away my child. But if it is necessary for children to grow up separated from their own parents - for whatever reason - then the SOS Children's Village is a wonderful institution for giving children a family in orderly conditions.

Alexander-Klaus Stecher: Judith and I live together in a classic family. We love our children idolatrously. That's why our commitment to SOS is a matter of the heart, which we clearly stand behind. Children are the most important link in our society and wherever disadvantaged children can be meaningfully and integrated with love, one should offer their support. Especially if, like us, you can stand so much on the sunny side of life!

Have you had experience with poverty, disadvantage?

Alexander-Klaus Stecher: I remember well that my mother invited a mendicant, who was regularly in our little village on the doorstep, to our lunch. When this man, who had gone so far, thanked us all so heartbreakingly, I even had a bad conscience as a child, because I was so well. So we decided to invite him to Christmas Eve. He actually came and joined in the celebration. For the first time the true meaning of this festival opened up to me - a lasting experience.

Judith Williams: That's exactly how it was with us: My parents very often invited people from the church on Christmas Eve who were otherwise alone. They taught us to always share the joy of the feast. We had many lasting and positive memories.

How are you when you see children who are not as well as yours?

Alexander-Klaus Stecher: Basically, we are both with children who are poorly built very close to the water. Whether it's just a movie, a touching story that's in the paper, or a fate we witness first-hand. Through our many travels we have often seen poor and neglected children. It's hard for us to handle it.

Judith Williams: I would like to open a children's home for such children. However, I am sure that I can do a lot of good in my life for children and disadvantaged people. I think a lot about how I can use mine and our exposed position to do good.

What can be done better in Germany?

Alexander-Klaus Stecher: I first remember the buzzword "Service Desert Germany". And as much as I love my homeland and the associated good lifestyle: Germany has hardly any people who like to "serve" others. The "service next" remains on the track. Service in terms of children is here in contrast to other countries still very viable!

Judith Williams: As an American, and because we are both often abroad in USA, England, etc., I have to say that kids are the "stars" in the US, while we are often embarrassed when we turn our heads off, as in In our case - come to a restaurant with four kids and look for a place. Children are the future and not an annoying appendage. That has to be more in people's minds.

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