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Every day a love letter: Husband writes wife for 30 years

The daily love letters document their life together.
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Daily love letters + a lot of work = the recipe for eternal love

He writes her a love letter every day: even after more than 30 years this couple is in love as on the first day! It betrays the recipe for eternal love.

There are a total of 25 boxes that have accumulated in the house of Kirsten and Bill Bresnan. But it is not an old junk that they stowed in the boxes. In them is their life together-from the day they became a couple.

Kirsten and Bill are now married for almost 40 years. In all these years, there was no day when the 74-year-old did not receive a post because her husband has been writing her a love letter every day for years . Meanwhile, more than ten thousand cards have accumulated, stowed in 25 boxes.

The marriage of the Bresnans runs like a love story from the picture book. She begins with little notes that Bill Kirsten attaches during the morning coffee. The letters became letters, the letters a love that lasts until today. The couple is in love as on the first day. They have never argued in all these years.

Bresnan knows how to keep love fresh. To tell his wife daily how much he loves her is his recipe for a long lasting relationship. No circumstance could prevent the steady post office: Even before an upcoming vacation he wrote the love letters in advance to his wife and handed her over from day to day.

If the couple throws a look into the boxes today, they immerse themselves in their own love story. The letters make it possible to relive every common day together in the spirit. They have experienced good and bad times, but they have never been "me" but always "we". When they contracted cancer one after another, they also got through this together.

Anyone who thinks this marriage is too good to be true is wrong: Bill Bresnan knows that every relationship means daily work. To let love last forever is no picnic for this couple. But the key to a happy marriage is to work hard on her every day, never go to bed badly and talk about everything, so that at least with the good night kiss everything is clear.

Bill Bresnan has revealed the recipe for eternal love. Romance does not come by itself. Even today the couple organizes candlelight dinners to keep them alive. And with the daily love letters, this husband ensures that the flame never goes out ! Bill and Kirsten Bresnan show that love means hard work - and this is definitely worth it!

More stories about true love and tips on how the relationship works can be found here!

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