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Inner pictures: That's how the power of our thoughts helps us

Inner pictures make us strong. An inner picture of the sea, for example, helps to let go of old habits.
Photo: Corbis
  1. Happy and strong - through inner pictures
  2. Backpack = throw off ballast
  3. Sea = let go of habits
  4. Place of relaxation = reduce stress
  5. Crossing = making decisions consciously
  6. Light = recharge your batteries

Happy and strong - through inner pictures

Only with the power of our thoughts can we manage to deal better with conflicts and stress - through inner pictures ! We'll tell you how to do that.

Ouch - that hurt a lot: The separation from the beloved, the quarrel with the best friend or a failure in the office . Fatal: Often we can not forget experiences that have hurt our soul. Our subconscious mind simply refuses to let go.

But there is a trick in how we manage to act differently in situations like this: inner images can break bad habits. Only through the power of our imagination can we become stronger and happier again.

Just read which inner pictures help . Then lay down or sit down in a quiet, darkened room, close your eyes and let your mind wander.

Backpack = throw off ballast

You feel depressed? Worries and hardships are heavy on your shoulders? Imagine walking on a backpack full of rocks. After a few hundred meters the backpack is too heavy for you. They pick up every stone, assign something negative to it - such as a problem or an insult - and consciously decide which stone you want to carry on and which you throw away. Remember in everyday life what stones you have already disposed of through inner images - and much will be easier for you.

Sea = let go of habits

Are you sometimes annoying, hurt, or irascible? Then you sit down mentally to the sea. Try to breathe slowly - in the rhythm of the waves. And you will feel how the negative feelings gradually dissolve. As soon as your habits catch up with you, think about how harmoniously you have breathed.

Place of relaxation = reduce stress

Through internal images, you can also handle stress. Imagine a place in the garden, on the balcony or in a meadow. Try to smell and taste as it is here. Count down from ten to one and then back up. The relaxation area will make you calmer - and more attentive to things that really matter to you.

Crossing = making decisions consciously

Sometimes we do not know how to choose - inner pictures help. Mentally follow a path that after some time crosses another road. At this intersection, deliberately think about which way you want to go. You will notice that you are so easy to make your choice of certain.

Light = recharge your batteries

Settle in your thoughts in a sunny spot. The heat flows into your chest, then into your stomach, arms and legs - all the way down to your feet. Feel the security and think in everyday life of your inner pictures, how the light is stored in your body as energy.

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