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Individually occupied hamburgers: McDonald's presents the new burger machine

Photo: YouTube / erfanau

New invention for fast food fans

A dream of many burger fans comes true. In Australia, McDonald's is now testing the first vending machine for individually booked burgers.

Double cheese, no cucumber, but three different sauces - in the future, McDonald's customers can decide for themselves how their burger should look like. At the machine, fast food fans can now use the 'Create Your Taste' application to create their own burgers. In Australia, the machine is being tested for the first time.

McDonald's customers have long been able to order their burger menus not only at checkout, but also at the vending machine. Now the offer of the fast food chain with the burger machine is to be extended however. Customers can choose from a total of 19 different ingredients. After completing the order, burger lovers need do nothing but sit down. McDonald's is testing another additional service. The burgers are served right on the square. Long queuing is a thing of the past.

The new service offerings are now being tested at Castle Hill Restaurant, a McDonald's store in West Sydney. According to the personalized burgers should arrive very well so far. The aim is to establish the burger machine initially throughout the country. When the self-designed McDonald's burgers will be available in other countries of the world, is not yet known.

For those who want to know how the burger vending machine works: Here is the right video.

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