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Indira Weis is broke

Indira Weis got the attachment order

Indira Weis

Indira Weis / ©

The 30-year-old singer, who was once a member of the hit pop star band Bro'Sis, confessed to having a whopping 15, 000 euros in tax debts. The reason she sees her dilemma is her lack of success as an actress had tried recently. "The departure from Bro'Sis is already seven years back - I've never been a millionaire and as an actress I did not earn much at the end", explains Indira 'picture' opposite. The half-middle-aged woman, who is called bourgeois Verena Weis, even with a Imprisonment, she can not pay the tax debt. Incidentally, the tax office staff wanted to help her out of the debt trap in an unconventional way, she admits: "A tax official even made the absurd suggestion that I should take off my clothes for Playboy or dance on the pole to pay off the debt pay. "However, she has very different plans. So Indira wants to let the cash register ring again with a new single. "If that works, I can pay the debt, " she is sure. Recently, Indira had made headlines with other scandals. At the end of last year, an unexpectedly erotic music video for Indira's song 'Oh' appeared on YouTube. It had already shot it in 2006, but rejected it because it was "too hot" for her. At that time, she said in shock, "It appeared without my knowledge and against my will, and I immediately asked my lawyer what legal action I could take against it, but on the Internet it is all very difficult, one can not understand who that Video on YouTube. "

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