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"I should give roses again!

Paul Rudd in an interview

Comedy star Paul Rudd (43) knows how to enchant women, but unfortunately he is usually too lazy to do so.

His new comedy is called "Our Idiot Brother" (21.

Hollywood star Paul Rudd
Photo: Getty Images

However, at first glance, 43-year-old Paul Rudd seems unfit for the role of a dorky hippie: his eyes are too awake and intelligent to reflect his language. And unlike his poorly dressed film character Ned, he wears a designer shirt and jacket - "ideal son - in - law" type. The protagonist of comedies such as "First Time" or "Best Man Wanted!" Has one thing in common with Ned: he spreads good mood with personal anecdotes.

JOY: Since you entered the suite, you're beaming non-stop. Are you an optimist through and through?

Paul Rudd: Not really! Do you know the feeling when you are nervous and can not stop smiling from uncertainty? That's just how I am doing now - with 43! But the corners of the mouth then fall down again at home (laughs).

So you do not have much in common with the idealistic, always good-humored hippie from your new movie?

I may not be the show beam man, but I find optimists extremely likeable. That's why I'd rather spend time with the younger ones, because they are far from being so cynical and disillusioned. I would like it if we all had no prejudices, just open and honest - just like my movie character. But I admit, that is of course almost impossible to implement!

In her next comedy "Wanderlust" (from the 21st of June in the cinema) she and Jennifer Aniston take you to a hippie community. Would you like to have such a life?

No, I'm not the type who prefers to stay in a tent or caravan. At school I dressed like a hippie for a while - without being one - because I thought the girls like that casual look. But that was regrettably a mistake (laughs).

Did you have a full beard back then?

Yes, I still do that from time to time today - it keeps you warm in winter (laughs). It was not a problem that I had to grow one for the movie. When I piss my wife off kissing, we both start laughing!

When was the last time you were really in a bad mood?

The darkest day of my life I suffered in October 2008, when my father died. I would have loved to spend more time with him. And then, of course, there were always a few bad moments in between (laughs).

How do you react to a bewitched day when everything just goes wrong?

I try not to be stressed. For example, last year I had an important flight from New York to L.A. On the way to the airport, I was stuck in traffic for ages. I was totally nervous, but it could have been done in time. My car promptly gave up the ghost - and no taxi was in sight! There a car stopped next to me and a young couple offered to take me along.

But then everything worked out well?

No, I still missed the flight - by two minutes. Then I had to take a shuttle to another terminal to get the next machine. Of course, I got on the wrong bus and landed far away from the airport. That was so absurd that at some point I just had to laugh. You can not take life so seriously.

What about women - have you ever been so unlucky?

Which man can not sing a song of it? However, I am now 16 years together with my wife. But I remember a case when I was waiting for a girl for three hours. I stood by her car with a red rose in my hand. But I was not her type. She preferred to drive with someone else and left her car so she would not have to talk to me.

Do you still have this romantic vein today?

I used to be more active! I recorded girl mixtapes - an absolute classic. The coronation was a trip to Venice. There I kissed my girlfriend at that time, as we drove in a gondola under the bridge of sighs, as in a key scene of the romance "I love you - I love you - Je t'aime", in which I was totally fond of twelve years old.

Why do not you plan such actions anymore?

Because I am married (laughs). I know that I could be more generous with romantic gestures. My wife complains too. I should probably remember my past as a rose cavalier again (laughs).

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