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Homeopathy: risks and side effects

Even gentle homeopathic remedies must be used properly.
Photo: Fotolia
  1. Dangerous alternative?
  2. possible side effects
  3. When homeopathy carries risks

Dangerous alternative?

Homeopathy has the reputation of being a gentle and safe alternative to conventional medicine. But even natural medicines can trigger side effects and harbor risks . Especially if you rely too much on them.

possible side effects

Homeopathic remedies can cause side effects such as allergic reactions or poisoning. As evidenced by a study by scientists at Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, UK, there have been numerous instances of adverse effects associated with herbal remedies. Particularly critical are the heavy metals that are commonly used in homeopathy . These include arsenic, cadmium, mercury, kerosene and iron. If they are not sufficiently diluted, they can be toxic. But even with a sufficient dilution, there may still be health problems with substances such as aconitum, petroleum and thallium.

Homeopathic remedies can also have a negative impact on the course of the disease or chemical medication in conventional medical treatment of serious illnesses. To avoid such risks, the intake of funds should always be discussed with the attending physician.

When homeopathy carries risks

Homeopathy can also harbor indirect risks. For example, when people affected by serious diseases rely solely on homeopathy to relieve their symptoms. In the case of cancer, for example, doctors strongly advise against it. Even with unclear symptoms, the cause of which is not clear, one-sided use of the preparations can unnecessarily delay a necessary and effective conventional medical treatment. The late effects are not foreseeable in these cases.

Rule of thumb: In general, homeopathy should as far as possible support and accompany conventional medical treatment after consultation with a doctor. But she should not be seen as a substitute.

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