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Editor'S Choice

Hanging Daffodil Basket: It's that easy

An original, self-designed hanging basket with daffodils is a perfect taste of spring

A hanging basket full of spring messengers

Luminous daffodils are a bright spot in dark winter days. From an old bicycle basket we build a colorful hanging construction for pot daffodils.

The Do-It-Yourself project, which is also suitable for beginners, is best located nearby or even depends on the entrance cloakroom - so the daffodils cheerfully greet every newcomer.

You need this:

  • A basket of painted metal
  • Daffodils in the pot
  • A piece of pond liner, canvas or a sturdy garbage bag
  • Black drawstring to hang the basket
  • A piece of black fabric and a red, discarded T-shirt
  • Knife and scissors

And that's how easy it is:

1. Fabric strips are braided through the lower part of the basket, so that their height provides a good visual protection for the narcissus bulbs. In addition, a strip of red T-shirt is cut and this fabric placed around the upper edge of the basket.

2. The plastic foil used for sealing is generously cut around the basket and placed in the basket so that it creates a floor with high, upright edges.

3. The daffodils are taken from their plastic pots and placed next to each other in the basket. After the black drawstring has been tied to the handles of the basket, the basket can then be fixed in a place that catches one's eye, for example a coat rack.

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