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Crochet TutorialHand shopping bag

For the sake of the environment we do without plastic bags and rather crochet our shopping bag instead. Here you will find the instructions for this environmentally friendly shopping helper!

You need this:

There's room for tons of shopping in this eco-friendly tote bag!
  • ROWAN all seasons chunky: Foam (Fb 600) = 300g
  • Pebble (Fb 601) = 200 g
  • Reach (Fb 605) = 100g
  • Powder (Fb 602) = 100 g
  • Jetsam (Fb 609) = 100 g
  • 1 crochet hook No. 7

And this is how it's done:

Crochet pattern 1:

Transfer 3 LM (as substitute for the first tr), 1 tr, * 2 LM, crochet 2 tr in the following sts *, from * to * always wdh. Crochet pattern 2: tr in rows

stripe sequence

2 R Fb 600, * 2 R Fb 601, 1 R Fb 600, 2 R Fb 602, 1 R Fb 600. 1 R Fb 609, 1 R Fb 600 *, From * to * 1 more time and 1 R Fb 601 crochet.

  1. 2 pocket pieces work. Cast on 32 LM and crochet in crochet pattern 1 and in stripe sequence.
  2. Crochet 2 straps over 3 tr and 30 rows.
  3. Sew pocket parts together at the stop edge = 4 R in Fb 600 give the bottom of the bag.
  4. Crochet from the side edges of the pocket bottom 8 sts and in Fb400 crochet the side pieces. Using Fb 605, crochet the side pieces to the pocket pieces in fe. Crochet over the upper edge of the pocket 1 R Krebsm in Fb 601. Sew shoulder straps inside.

Here you will find the complete instructions for downloading.
