Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Chickens as egg warmer

  • Stoffreste
  • Felt in white (craft shop)
  • pins
  • felt-tip pen
  • fabric scissors
  • Sewing machine and yarn

1. Place fabric right to right and fix with pins.

Paint half an egg (the lower opening must later fit over a standard egg) and cut out.

2. Mark beak and comb on the felt, leaving a small seam allowance to sew in. Cut out parts.

3. Stick the beak and comb inwards so that they stand out after sewing.

4. Sew fabric right to right together and avoid the lower opening for slipping over.

5. Turn the egg warmer, knock the open edge inward and pass it by hand.

Tip: Sewing fleece with, keeps the egg warmer also nice and warm.

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