Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Make pretty glasses man himself

The glass wristbands prevent you from burning your fingers on hot glasses
Photo: deco & style

Pretty belly bandages

The heat protection for the hands you can easily make from cuffs of an old shirt. We will show you step by step how to do it.

What you need for the glasses cuffs:

  • 2 cuffs from an old shirt
  • 1 piece of fabric, about 25 x 20 cm
  • Sewing machine and color matching yarn
  • glasses
  • fabric scissors
  • pins

And that's how easy it is:

1. Cut the cuffs off the shirt with about 1 cm of seam allowance.

2. Cut one piece from the other fabric to the width of the cuffs plus 1 cm seam allowance on each side. The length depends on the size of the glass.

3. Iron the seam allowances 1 cm.

4. Place the width of the fabric exactly at the end of the (opened) cuff and sew.

5. Close the cuff and place an even-length hose for the length.

6. On the transition (the part that overlaps) of the cuff, stitch the fabric short-edged in length.

7. Turn everything to the right and sew across the width at the bottom.

8. Lay the corners in a triangle and stitch across (to milk carton corners).

9. Turn again to the right and over the appropriate glass pots.
