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HaushaltsstricksTrick: T-shirt in less than 2 seconds merge

Especially if you regularly do the laundry for your whole family, you can save a lot of time with this trick when folding the clothes.

Photo: Screenshot / DaveHax

It's that easy:

With this easy-to-learn handle, you can put together T-shirts and other short-sleeved shirts in less than 2 seconds!

  • To start, put the shirt neatly on the back.
  • Imagine two lines: The first line divides the top and bottom of the shirt into two halves, while the second line goes straight down from the left shoulder.
  • We call the intersection of both lines A, the shoulder point we call B and the other end point of the vertical shoulder line we call point C.
  • Grasp point A with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With your right hand, grab point B.
  • Hold Point A while moving your right hand B to C and holding both positions.
  • Unknot your arms and put the shirt on the table, but do not let go of the points! S
  • Now you just have to fold over the two points in the middle of the shirt and it's already folded up.

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