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"Do not be afraid" Do not be afraid of Down syndrome - A message to all pregnant women

Pregnant women who find that their child is very likely to have Down syndrome are insecure and disturbed. What to do after this diagnosis? Here comes a message to these pregnant women

"Do not be afraid" - says this girl, one of the 15 protagonists in the spot
Photo: Screenshot Youtube

This video has already seen more than six million people : Down Syndrome patients give courage to pregnant women who have received this diagnosis for their baby. "It will be able to travel, " says a girl. "He will be able to help his father repair a bicycle, " a boy. How much power and joie de vivre the 15 protagonists of the video radiate, is really worth seeing.

The risk for a child with Down's syndrome is usually determined during the 13th week of pregnancy using a "nuchal translucency measurement". In Germany gynecologists do this examination only with the express consent of the pregnant women. With the help of the neck folds, it is possible to open up the risk that children have altered chromosomes that make heart defects or even the Down syndrome more likely. A definitive diagnosis is not this test. Of course, it makes most pregnant women anxious and at a loss when the findings for Trisomy 21 and thus a child with Down syndrome speaks. Certainty then give further investigations, about which the expectant mother should necessarily consult with the doctor.

Under German law, it would be allowed to abort a child with Down's syndrome until the 22nd week, when the doctors realize that the physical or emotional health of the mother is now or will endanger her is. Of course, this decision has to be made by each mother herself. It is and remains insanely stressful. The answer, of course, can not give such a great video. It helps in such situations best to get advice from physicians and experts. Contact addresses get affected pregnant women for example at Pro Familia or Caritas.

Read more about Down syndrome on

>> Father lets son fly with Down syndrome

>> Everybody is beautiful! Model with Down syndrome

>> Down Syndrome: What is it?

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