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Health through sport: Doctor Sport

Instead of the tablet you should rather resort to the sports shoes. Recent studies show that with the right sport many complaints can be alleviated or even prevented. We reveal which sport frees you from which ailments.

  1. Walking for the heart
  2. Jogging against menstrual pain
  3. Workout against diabetes
  4. Yoga against migrants
  5. Tai Chi against colds and shingles
  6. Endurance sports against asthma
  7. Dancing against dementia
  8. Boxing against mood lows

Would you like to help your health to get started? With the following sports you will make your discomfort legs.

Walking for the heart

Almost every fourth German has a small wealthy tummy. The problem is not overweight alone, but increased blood sugar, unfavorable blood lipid levels and high blood pressure - three risk factors that promote cardiovascular disease.

So, away with the Plauze: Already five to ten percent less body weight reduce the belly fat by about 30 percent. Two to three sessions of moderate Nordic Walking per week can do a lot. The gentle endurance training is also great for beginners, as well as untrained achieve success quickly and you can start immediately without much effort. That it also makes for a leaner line, is an additional incentive.

Jogging against menstrual pain

Once a month, it pulls and tears many women in the abdomen. Mostly, women would like to crawl into bed with a hot water bottle and wait for the pain to end. Many even resort to painkillers - often quite unnecessary, because light sports such as jogging or walking also have a relaxing and pain-relieving effect.

In addition, exercise and fresh air lift the mood and quickly forget any tribulation. So, even if it is difficult at first: give yourself a jerk - it's worth it!

Workout against diabetes

Not only the lack of sweets, but also regular training with light weights can reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 58 percent. This is reported by studies of the German Society of Cardiology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

In addition, the workout has other positive effects: The coronary arteries are strengthened and the body fat can be reduced - both are effective for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The workout also ensures a nice silhouette - if that's not worth it.

Yoga for migraine

"Honey, I have a headache". This excuse will not save us from unpopular hard work for much longer. "Then do yoga, " could be the answer.

Because the popular feel-good sport with its asanas - small exercises - has a so relaxing effect on the neck, that the pressure on the cervical spine is reduced and it is better supplied with blood. Headaches have no chance! Tip: Many health insurance companies pay for courses.

Tai Chi for colds and shingles

Shadow boxing in China is considered a cure for many diseases, now the medical effect of this sport is also used in Western countries.

A study from the University of California in Los Angeles shows that Tai Chi strengthens the immune system and makes the body more resistant. So Tai Chi can protect not only from colds, but also from shingles.

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Endurance sports against asthma

Who drives a lot of sports, also needs a long breath. That makes it difficult for asthmatics, we thought so far.

New studies show that sports can even alleviate this respiratory disease. Because the respiratory muscles are strengthened, increases the depth of breathing and reduces the respiratory rate, says sports scientist Jörg Birkel - and the better the respiratory tracts are trained, the easier the breathing in everyday life.

However, to get you started, there are some basic rules to follow:

  • Before talking to your doctor, talk to your doctor before starting the training to tailor the training to the cause and circumstances of the condition.
  • Make sure you always have your medicine with you in case of acute stress.
  • Check your lung function regularly before and during exercise.
  • In fog and temperatures below four degrees, you should prefer indoor training - for allergy sufferers, this also applies to pollen and high ozone levels.

Dancing against dementia

Off to the dance floor - because according to a study by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York dancing in seniors lowers the likelihood of brain disorder by 76 percent.

US scientists found in MRI examinations that tango foot movements stimulate significantly more brain areas than voluntary movements. Whether you swing the dance leg to tango or other rhythms, you train the brain to learn and remember and strengthen the neural connections in the brain. Let's boogie woogie!

Boxing against mood lows

Sport makes you happy, because the body spills more of the body's own happy people. Even against depressive illness, sport is now used successfully for therapy - in some cases it can make medications superfluous, but in any case, physical activity supports the effect of the medications by making the brain more bloodstream.

Even more important for mental well-being is Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Huber from the University of Heidelberg, however, the positive experiences in sports.

Boxing legend Duke Mckenzie has created a "Boxing Fitness Class" specifically for people who suffer from depression, where a mix of boxing, jumping rope and cycling helps participants reduce stress and frustration and release endorphins.

So go ahead, hit the bad mood ko!
