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Cervical polyp


Cervical polyp: definition, causes and symptoms

A cervical polyp is a benign abdominal tumor. But how does a cervical polyp actually develop? In women, there are sometimes benign tissue growths such as the polyp . They are caused by excessive growth of mucosal cells and are often found on the cervix. Hence the name cervix polyp.

Some of the pea- to cherry-sized polyps grow on a stalk and can hang into the vagina. Others sit directly on the mucous membrane. Although they are rarely malignant, they must be examined in the laboratory. From menopause, there is an increased risk of cervical poly . Often, the cervix polyp does not cause discomfort and is therefore discovered by chance during a gynecological examination. In other cases of cervical polyp, affected women suffer from abnormal bleeding or mucous discharge. Because: When a pedunculated polyp rotates around itself, severe, convulsive or labor-like pain is the result.

Cervical polyp: treatment

The cervix polyp can easily be removed by a doctor using small pliers. However, because of possible bleeding, this treatment should not be done during pregnancy.

Cervical polyp: prevention and self-help

Regular check-ups are important to rule out the possibility that the cervical polyp has changed like a carcinoma.

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