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For art video: Baby doused with honey

The American photographer Blake Little poured honey and honey on a photo project.
Photo: iStock

Photographer Blake Little doused a baby with honey for photos

For his new photo project, the artist Blake Little has doused very different people with massive honey. Also there: a one and a half year old baby.

Admittedly, it really looks fascinating how the viscous honey flows over the naked body. The latest photos from the award-winning American photographer Blake Little are definitely something special.

But even if the pictures are so beautiful - that Blake Little also took a baby and a live dog in front of his lens for his project worries us . In the video for the honey shoot, starting at 2:32 am, a baby is being showered with honey and sitting in the middle of a honey puddle. The dog named "Moxie" is not included in the video, but the picture appears in the book about the honey project and on the photographer's Facebook page.

"The dog was trained, had fun and was cooperative, so we had to stop him from licking up all the honey, " the photographer adds.

Although we assume that the photographer's team has made sure that the baby does not get honey in the face, because it can only be seen from behind - yet there should be limits in terms of children in front of the camera . After all, they can not decide for themselves if they want to join in such a thing. And also for the dog applies - whether he was trained or not - for art does not have to be everything.

With this article, we do not want to offer the photographer a platform, but to raise awareness that artistic intentions do not justify every action. Whether human or animal, who can not deliberately and knowingly decide for himself if he wants to do something like this should never be forced to do so.


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