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Fit through the winter: strengthen with cranberries

The cranberry is North American variant of the cowberry.
Photo: iStock

Power Food

You are the health hazard # 1: so-called free radicals. UV radiation, stress, smoking and alcohol promote the increased formation of aggressive molecules in the body. Doctors speak of oxidative stress. "An excess of it can even contribute to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer, " warns medical doctor. Katja Svennevig.

But recently researchers have discovered a true panacea: proanthocyanidins (PACs). They are mainly in the North American variant of the cranberry, the cranberry . This "vitamin P" fights free radicals up to 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times more effective than vitamin C. Especially effective are the healing substances of the cranberry in combination with a pomegranate extract (double- heart system cranberry + pomegranate, pharmacy). Because this also strengthens the body's defenses and prevents further diseases - completely without side effects.

Cranberry against cystitis

In bladder infections Cranberry s have a diuretic, antibacterial and antispasmodic. Because they contain so-called Proanthocyadine - they prevent bacteria from settling in the mucosa. Highly concentrated preparations proved to be particularly effective (eg Ökotest winner Cystorenal Cranberry plus, pharmacy). In addition to cranberries, these 8 home remedies also cause bladder infections.

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