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Facebook icons: We them!

There are many more Facebook icons than "Like".
Photo: Wunderweib / Facebook Desktop
  1. These are the codes
  2. Graphical Facebook icons are the hit!
  3. The simple Facebook icons at a glance

These are the codes

We have the codes for great Facebook icons . From the heart to the shark and numerous emoticons - it's all there! Pimp your Facebook status!

Whether chat, SMS, WhatsApp or even simple notes - we've been using a lot more for our messages than just the usual 26 letters of the alphabet. Small smileys, hearts, arrows or other symbols are among our news.

Also on Facebook you can work with these little pictures. Often, however, you are hidden, you must enter a code so that the Facebook icons appear in your status or messages.

Small emoticons that show a variety of feelings, or even surprising pictures like a white shark, penguin or even a "thumbs up" ... The programmers on Facebook were creative. Even her colleague Chris Putnam exists as an emoticon - a so-called Easter-Egg .

We'll show you the hidden Facebook icons and the codes that you can use to enter them.

Graphical Facebook icons are the hit!

The graphical Facebook icons are colorful, eye-catching and surprising. These symbols can be displayed in your status, comments or messages by entering the string on the right.

In addition to the Facebook graphical icons, there are many other icons that you can use in your status, comments, or messages.

The simple Facebook icons at a glance

  • ALT + 1 = ☺
  • ALT + 2 = ☻
  • ALT + 3 = ♥
  • ALT + 4 = ♦
  • ALT + 5 = ♣
  • ALT + 6 = ♠
  • ALT + 7 = •
  • ALT + 8 = ◘
  • ALT + 9 = ○
  • ALT + 10 = ◙
  • ALT + 11 = ♂
  • ALT + 12 = ♀
  • OLD + 13 = ♪
  • ALT + 14 = ♫
  • ALT + 15 = ☼
  • ALT + 16 = ►
  • ALT + 17 = ◄
  • ALT + 18 = ↕
  • ALT + 19 =!
  • ALT + 20 = ¶
  • ALT + 21 = §
  • ALT + 22 = ▬
  • ALT + 23 = ↨
  • ALT + 24 = ↑
  • ALT + 25 = ↓
  • ALT + 26 = →
  • ALT + 27 = ←
  • ALT + 28 = ∟
  • ALT + 29 = ↔
  • ALT + 30 = ▲
  • ALT + 31 = ▼

These combinations of "old" and a number to post Facebook icons, you can continue. But from the age of 32, you will find signs that are easier to enter using the keyboard.

As you can see, there are many ways to pimp up your Facebook status, comments and messages.

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