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Eternal Love The missing ring: Second application after 38 years of marriage

Whether with ring or without - this couple would always say yes to marriage!
Photo: Screenshot / Lacey Butler

New application, same ring

This is true love! After 38 years of marriage, this woman receives a second application. The ring was actually gone ...

Since Mr. Butler made his application to his wife almost 40 years ago, they are a happy couple. At the same time, many a stranger might assume that the relationship was not sealed by a marriage vow. For Lacey's mother does not wear a ring.

After 23 years of marriage

The woman used to wear her wedding ring, but 15 years ago, her finger was suddenly empty. Butler had never sold the proof of love voluntarily. When she noticed the absence, the shock was great: The ring had just disappeared . For the family began a nerve-wracking search in which the entire house and land was turned upside down. Mother, father and daughter searched for months for the lost ring until they finally gave up. The proof of love had been stolen ...

After 38 years of marriage

15 years later, Family Butler has almost forgotten about the disappearance. Even without the associated ring, the love between Lacey's parents has remained. When they clean up the basement together, the unbelievable happens:

In an old wooden box Mr. Butler sees something glittering and finds in it the disappeared believed wedding ring of his wife! He wants to make the surprise perfect. Without further ado, he decides to make a second application to his wife!

In the middle of the cellar, he asks the question a second time. Even after 38 years of marriage, the marriage proposal could not be in love - without hesitation, the doubly married couple in the arms. For love, this couple does not need a ring, even without proof they will always give the yes-word.


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