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Editor'S Choice

Concussion video: Tragic fate of a foster child

Blond hair and cute face: This foster child is not doing well in the new family.
Photo: vimeo / heschle


If children are taken from families, one assumes at first that this is the best decision. A heartbreaking video on the subject shows how hard foster children really are. But beware: handkerchiefs ready. This video really touches tears.

For twelve minutes a little blond girl tells her story. Disrupted homes, small siblings who need care and fear of the father's violence determine their lives. But what comes next is no less bad. The supposedly safe home in the foster family is just another nightmare in the little girl's life.

The video was shot with the title "Removed" for the US 168 Film Festival. Director Nathanael Matanick won it in the category Best Film. And rightly so. Here the video in full length.

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