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Parents wanted to know only their child's sex, but then things turned out quite differently

When Keri McCartney from Texas is 23 weeks pregnant, she and her husband Chad and their 4 children want to use an ultrasound to determine their baby's sex, but suddenly everything is different. Because instead of the answer, whether it's a boy or a girl, the parents get a horror message.

Here is the baby's tumor
Photo: Youtube / CBS

A giant tumor the size of a grapefruit becomes visible on the ultrasound. The tumor is filled with blood and threatens to deprive the baby of the blood that it needs to survive. Not only the parents, but also the doctors are shocked. They have never seen such a tumor.


Chad and Keri McCartney

Sad : The diagnosis that the baby would survive is just 10 percent. Nevertheless, the doctors dare the operation. First, they opened the mother's belly. Then they took the baby 80 percent out of the mother's body. However, without hurting the highly sensitive placenta. After hours of surgery, the baby was pushed back into the mother's stomach.

And the hope of the parents was fulfilled. After the child had already seen the light of day, Mother Keri carried the little one - it is actually a girl - for another 10 weeks. Then little Macie Hope was born. Except for a scar, there is not much left of the surgery. Macie's parents are overjoyed with her little wonder baby, who celebrated her second birthday at birth.


The little Macie Hope

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