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Parents Create Visual Bucket List for Blinding Daughter

The 5-year-old Lizzy looks at every point of the bucket list very carefully.
Photo: Screenshot / Mansfield News Journal

Visual Bucket List: The Beauty of the World

She only has a few years left until she goes blind. So, the parents decide to create a visual bucket list for their 5 year old daughter.

Lizzy Myers is hard of hearing, since last year she needs a hearing aid, her eyes are getting worse. But even if all these features are more indicative of a person of advanced age, the impression is deceptive. Lizzy is just five years old.

The girl suffers from the Usher syndrome type II, which describes an innate combination of deafness and progressive retinal degeneration. In the course of her life, her eyesight will continue to worsen, until one day she goes blind. The doctors give Lizzy about five to seven years until then.

A year ago, the Usher syndrome was diagnosed in the 5-year-olds. Since then, her parents Steve and Christine Myers have forged a plan. They can not prevent her daughter from going blind, but they can make her see as many beautiful things as possible within the remaining time. Because of this, the family creates a visual bucket list for Lizzy.

As her eyesight will soon deteriorate drastically at night, the bucket list begins in the dark. Fireflies, a clear starry sky and the sight of the moon should not be withheld from Lizzy, that's why they are high on the list. The latter has already been admired by the 5-year-old. The planets are particularly impressed by the girl.

There is no cure for Usher syndrome . But Lizzy's parents do everything they can to keep their daughter's memory of the world when she goes blind one day. But until then, she still has a little time left, where you certainly will not get bored - the visual bucket list still holds impressive surprises like the Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon and the Niagara Falls for little Lizzy.
