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Simple knitting pattern for long cardigan

Photo: Coats PLC -
  1. Free instructions
  2. Material:
  3. Knitting pattern for the cardigan

Free instructions

This long cardigan is a real all-rounder. Carry on our knitting instructions and the part will soon be hanging in your closet.

Size: XS, S to M and L

The values ​​for the individual sizes are separated one after the other by slashes from the smallest to the largest size. If there is only one specification, this applies to all sizes.

The abbreviations at a glance:

  • right: right
  • Left: Left
  • Round: round
  • str .: knit
  • MS: pattern set
  • M .: mesh
  • Nd: needle
  • initially: increase
  • U .: envelope
  • bind off: bind off
  • LL .: run length
  • continued: continuous
  • R .: row
  • initially: increase
  • Rdm .: edge stitch
  • decrease: decrease
  • over / under: cover
  • Connection: stop
  • knl .: ball
  • N .: Needle
  • U: envelope
  • Lm .: air mesh


  • Schachenmayr Merino Extrafine Cotton 120 (50% cotton, 50% pure new wool, running length approx. 120 m / 50 g). 800/850/900 g Fb 00510 cappucchino
  • Milward knitting needle 3.5 to 4 and 1 pigtail needle. 5 buttons (Art. 250749, Fb 15, 20 mm) from Dill (Dill, World of buttons, Beierfeld 5, D-95671 Bärnau).

Knitting pattern for the cardigan

Rib pattern: 4 sts left, 4 sts right alternating, see also knitting under the dashed line.

Smooth left: In Hinr left, in Rückr right str.

Cable pattern: In Hinr after knitting str. In back the m str as they appear. Attention! For increases and decreases please note that the M can only be crossed if there are enough M available; until then the M according to the pattern right or left str. Always repeat the 1st through 16th Rs.

Stitch: In the cable pattern: 28 M and 29 R = 10 x 10 cm.

Back: Cast on 126/142/158 sts and work in rib pattern. Start with a spine and repeat the edge st, then "4 sts right, 4 sts left alternating st, ab", end with 4 sts right, st marg. After 10 cm from the stop continue in the cable pattern str. Begin with a Hinr and the Randm, 10 sts before the rapport, 13x / 15x / 17x the rapport of 8 sts, then 10 sts after the rapport and the rand sts. For the armholes after 60/58/56 cm, dec 4 sts on both sides, then cast off every other row 1x 4 sts, 1x 3 sts and 3x / 6x / 6x 1 st = 98/108/124 sts and continue sts 4 / 1/1 sts left, 11x / 13x / 15x the repeat of 8 sts, 4/1/1 sts left, brim st. After 80 cm from the stop for shoulder bevels, bind off on both sides 7/8/10 sts and every other row 2x 7/9/12 sts. At an overall height of 82 cm, bind off the remaining 56 sts for the back neckline.

Left front: Cast on 69/77/85 sts. Start with 1 back and over the first 6 sts for the iris edge st, 1 st left, 1 st right, 1 st left, 1 st right, 1 st left, then 6 sts right, 4 sts left, 4 sts right, repeat from «6x / 7x / 8x, Randm. In the following R the m str as they appear. After 10 cm from the stop on the right side edge, start with a back and edge, 60/68/76 sts in the cable pattern, 2 sts left and 6 sts for the front as usual. Divide the cable pattern in 1st R as follows: 10 sts before the repeat, 5x / 6x / 7x the repeat from 8 sts 10 sts after the repeat. For the V-neck bevel at the left side edge, after 48 cm 1 sts. Work in the following row until 10 sts at the end of row, knit 2 sts left, remaining sts as they appear. Repeat these decreases 10x in every 2nd R and 17x in every 4th row. At the same time for the armholes on the right side edge after 60/58/56 cm from the stop 14/17/17 sts as in the back piece and on the right side edge edge sts 4/1/1 sts left. Continue the remaining sts as before. After 80 cm from the shoulder for the shoulder bevel bind off at the right side edge 7/8/10 sts and every other row 2x 7/9/12 sts. For the remaining 6 sts still 10 cm 1 st on right, 1 st in left st, at the beginning of 1st row increase 1 st = 7 sts. Bind off sts.

Right front piece: Work the same way with 5 buttonholes and repeat 1st row = right edge, 4 sts left, 4 sts left, from 6x / 7x / 8x, then 6 sts to the right and 1 sts to the left, 1 st M right, 1 M left, 1 M right, 1 M left str, Randm. In 10 cm height continue 6 sts for the panel, 2 sts left, 60/68/76 sts in cable pattern as in the left front and the sts. For the first buttonhole after 12 cm from the stop, then knit 4 times after every 9 cm in one round the edge st and 1 sts st, 2 sts left, work 1 sts, rest sts. Turn the envelope in the following R left st. After the last decrease for the shoulder bevel for the panel, increase at the beginning of the 1st row 1 st back and work another 10 cm, then bind off the sts.

Sleeve: Cast on 58/66/66 sts. Start with 1 row and repeat the row, 2 sts left, 4 sts right, 4 sts left off 5x / 6x / 6x, 4 sts right, 2 sts left and the sts. After 6 cm from the stop knit in the cable pattern, in the first 1st edge, 4 sts before the repeat, 6x / 7x / 7x the repeat of 8 sts, 4 sts after the repeat and the edge sts. For the sleeve slants increase on both sides in 5th R from the stop then 0x / 12x / 30x in every 4th R and 20x / 12x / 0x in every 6th R each 1 st = 100/116/128 sts. Adjust the increases to the cable pattern. After 51 cm from the stop for the arm ball on both sides 4 sts, then in each 2nd round 1x 4 sts, 1x 3 sts, 14x / 10x / 8x 1 sts, 3x / 7x / 9x 2 sts, 2x 3 sts and the remaining 26 sts Cast off 34/42 sts. Total height 66 cm. Both sleeves work the same way.

Finishing work: Stretch the parts, moisten and allow to dry. Close shoulder seams. Sew on the sleeves, close the sleeve and side seams. Sew together the short trim edges on the inside and sew the trim on the back of the neckline. Sew on the buttons.

>> The instructions for the long cardigan can be downloaded here. >>
