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A picture goes through the net: Father protects his son from the rain

To protect his little son from the rain, this father takes it easy to get drenched.
Photo: Screenshot Imgur

The dear fathers

So much more than a simple photo: With his caring, this father is currently moving people all over the world.

No unusual scene: father and son go through the rain . But this picture is currently being shared in many places. The reason: So that his little son does not get wet, his father holds the umbrella directly over him and becomes completely soaked himself. His shirt already sticks to his skin.

For his caring gesture reaps the hitherto unknown father much praise. Many people at the sight of the image of father and son feel reminded of their own dad who has always done everything for them. Some just enjoy this photo because it is proof of the love between father and son .

Where exactly the photo was created is just as unknown as the identity of the two protagonists. But that does not stop the picture from becoming a viral hit. Imgur has already viewed the photo over 3.8 million times.

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