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DIY tip: You can easily make your own vases yourself

Photo: deco & style


These vases can be made in any color, so you can have one for each season. We make the models for spring.

That's what you need for the homemade vase:

  • 2 parcel string balls
  • Spray paint in pink and coral (craft shop / hardware store)
  • 2 small vases or orchid tubes
  • Flowers: ranunculus and carnations
  • Paper for the work surface
  • Disposable gloves
  • knife

And that's how easy it is

1. The balls are thoroughly sprayed with paint. Then allow to dry well (lay out the work surface with paper and put on gloves!).

2. Put vases or orchid tubes in the balls and fill with water for the flowers.

3. Cut the flowers with the knife or cut and place in the vases.

Prop: table: Car self-made furniture, pitcher: rice

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