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Diet Paleo Diet: "Everyone can lose weight with Paleo

The Paleo diet refrains from pasta, bread, yogurt and sugar. Paleo blogger Nico Richter explains how everyone can lose weight with Paleo.

Paleo blogger Nico Richter explains why it's worth living on the Paleo diet.
Photo: iStock
  1. No bread, no pasta - that sounds crazy. What convinced you about Paleo?
  2. People have been eating grain for millennia. Why should you give it up?
  3. How to get full without bread?

Since US researcher Loren Cordain published his book "The Paleo Diet" in 2001, the Paleo diet is booming. The idea to eat like our ancestors in the Stone Age (English Paleo), has meanwhile also with us many fans. Why this diet is so good, knows the best known German Paleo blogger and book author Nico Richter. He knows, " everyone can lose weight with Paleo ".

No bread, no pasta - that sounds crazy. What convinced you about Paleo ?

My own body! About two and a half years ago, my blood levels were not good. I often felt sleepy and impotent. A friend recommended Paleo and I tried it for 30 days. The results spoke for themselves: cleaner skin, more energy, better mood and a few kilos less. And my blood counts are great now.

People have been eating grain for millennia. Why should you give it up?

All cereal forms, as well as milk and soy products, contain substances that may be critical to the human digestive system. One is about gluten. These substances promote inflammation in the body, digestive problems, skin blemishes and autoimmune reactions. This is increasingly heard in research.

How to get full without bread?

I recommend trying Paleo for 30 days - strictly, with no exceptions. If you omit products such as cereals, milk, sugar and refined vegetable fats, you will learn for the first time how good it really is. That one decreases thereby, is only one of many positive effects. Many who consume grain and milk again after 30 days are surprised that they no longer tolerate or like it. And often the desire for it is gone anyway.

This is allowed with the Paleo diet:

  • Vegetables,
  • fruit
  • eggs
  • Meat,
  • Fish, seafood,
  • Nuts,
  • seeds,
  • Honey,
  • Maple syrup
  • Stevia for sweetening,
  • Olive oil,
  • Coconut oil,
  • ghee,
  • Dried fruit in moderation,
  • Almond, hazelnut and coconut milk

That does not fit

  • Finished products,
  • Cereals and cereal products (eg bread, pasta, cereals, rice),
  • Sugar,
  • Sweets,
  • Milk, milk products
  • Soy, soy products,
  • Legumes,
  • potatoes,
  • Margarine,
  • refined vegetable oils

BOOK TIP More information about Paleo and everyday recipes can be found in "Paleo - Power for Life", Christian Verlag, 29, 99 Euro.

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