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This photo of a pregnant woman is walking around the world

This photo is sure to get a special place
Photo: Instagram / news4jax

Photobomb of a special kind

Some photos are truly eternal: Dan Mozer thought so and shot a photo of his pregnant wife on the beach.

A relaxed walk on the beach, a last snapshot of his pregnant wife before the baby comes. In a picturesque setting, Angeline smiles in love with the camera, holds the baby bump slightly dreamily and Dan presses the trigger on his camera.

But just then a little miracle happened!

When the two days later take a look at the photo, they can hardly believe their luck. Just as Dan pressed the trigger, a dolphin jumped out of the sea and made the snapshot of the family album very special.

Dan then sent the extraordinary photo to the local news channel who shared the picture on his Instagram page.

A once in a lifetime shot. Viewer Dan Mozer shared his image with his wife Angeline as they were taking maternity shots at Atlantic Beach. #Dolphinphotobomb

A photo posted by WJXT4 The Local Station (@news4jax) on Jan 31, 2016 at 9:25 am

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