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The right care for wood

Depending on the surface treatment, wooden furniture must be maintained accordingly
Photo: Skagerak Denmark
  1. lacquered
  2. waxed
  3. Gelt
  4. soaped
  5. untreated

Maintain the surface

Waxed, oiled, varnished, soaped or completely pure - depending on the treatment each surface needs a different care.


A fine lacquer coating closes wooden surfaces

Normal furniture care: Simply wipe with damp leather, then dry with a soft cloth. Better do without polishes or sprays - they make the surface spotty and can attack the varnish layer. It is best to use agents recommended by the manufacturer.

Tip: There are plasticizers in rubber and plastic buffers, such as devices or trays, that can attack the paint. Alternative: felt pad.


Wax places a water-repellent layer on the wood

Normal furniture care: Dust or wipe wet, with water or vegetable soap and a damp, white cotton cloth. For the beauty: rework with beeswax care emulsion. After drying, polish with a lint-free cloth. Attention: Always dab liquids immediately.

Heavy soiling: Remove with wax balm cleaner, if necessary apply to polishing fleece and rub out. Post-treatment Clean with vegetable soap, then re-grow very thinly.


Wood oil penetrates deep into the surface, protects and impregnates the wood

Normal furniture care: Apply oil after purchase and polish with a cloth. Dust regularly or wipe with damp, always dry immediately. Tip: Wood oil is self-igniting, so never throw the soaked rags in the trash. First water and then dispose in a non-flammable container.

Heavy soiling: clean with vegetable soap, sand down stains and scratches, remove dust. Lightly oil again, polish after ten minutes.

Post -treatment: Treat the surface with sand paper every one to two years (150 grit). Always grind in the course of the grain! Dust off, add oil to a woolen cloth and apply. After about 15 minutes remove excess with a fresh woolen cloth.


Soapsuds fills the pores, smoothes and protects the surface

Normal furniture care: clean with a damp cloth and soapy water. Occasionally wipe with concentrated soapy water to saturate the wood. Immediately remove stains with a damp cloth.

Heavy soiling: Clean with concentrated soapy water. Aftercare Recommended twice a year. Thoroughly clean, lightly sand, remove dust. Soak the surface with a slurry of soap flakes and warm water, let it soak in, and remove any excess. Let it dry overnight, then rub dry.


The wood remains natural, the pores open

Normal furniture care: The pores of untreated wood are open. That gives the surface its rough charm and the natural look. Daily cleaning builds up a protective effect: wipe with a damp cloth and soapy water.

Heavy soiling: Clean with lye from lubricating or core soap. After-treatment Untreated wood can be oiled, waxed, varnished or varnished afterwards. Sand the surface and treat as desired.


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