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The clothing: fashion borrow instead of buying

Fashionable and environmentally conscious: the two students Thekla Wilkening, 27 (left), and Pola Fendel, 25.
Photo: Denys Karlinskyy

Mine is yours too? Works, thanks to clothing

An easy and easy outfit loan? No problem with the flatrate of "clothing". Many things are donated in part by young designers. Here's how lending clothes works and how you can get involved.

Join in every fashion trend and still not buy something new every week and (especially!) Have to throw away something old ? This is possible thanks to Thekla Wilkening, 27, and Pola Fendel, 25, and their clothes .

"We want to counteract the fast-fashion mentality and still allow fun in constantly changing fashion, " Pola explains her concept. The two students give outfits for every occasion - and all over Germany at .

Her clothing range consists of young designer pieces and special vintage pieces. And for a monthly fee of 26 euros (including shipping), there's the "flat rate clothing": A maximum of four parts - from coat to evening dress - can be borrowed until you can send a new selection home. Great idea!

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