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The most common eye diseases

An eye disease should be taken seriously.
Photo: © lightpoet -
  1. Ophthalmology
  2. symptoms
  3. causes
  4. risk factors
  5. therapy
  6. symptoms
  7. causes
  8. therapy
  9. symptoms
  10. causes
  11. risk factors
  12. therapy


Some time ago, the apple tree with the many red fruits was still clearly visible. Now, however, a gray veil seems to lie over it - this is how patients with cataracts perceive the change in their sight. In addition to macular degeneration and glaucoma, the cataract is one of the most common causes of age-related low vision. Early recognized, the eyesight can almost always be saved. So here are the three most common eye diseases - how to recognize them and what to do next.

Eye disease cataract


Pictures appear blurred and without contrast. Affected are slightly blinded.


Guilt is a change in the structural proteins in the lens. The change leads to the loss of visual acuity.

risk factors

Cortisone drugs, intensive UV radiation, smoking and diabetes.


Initially, a pair of glasses is sufficient to correct the visual acuity. In advanced disease helps a mini-surgery: By a 2-millimeter small incision in the cornea, the doctor replaced under local anesthesia, the clouded lens through an artificial lens. The procedure lasts ten minutes, the next day the visibility is clearer. After six to eight weeks, the healing is complete.

Eye disease Green Star (glaucoma)


The field of view is getting narrower from the outside. The healthy eye tries to balance the restriction, so that the suffering is often discovered late. Dangerous, as it leads to blindness if left untreated.


Increased intraocular pressure or circulatory disturbances trigger painless, progressive damage to the optic nerve. Hypertension promotes eye disease . Also, diabetes, severe myopia and remedies with cortisone favor the disease.


In 90 percent of all cases, eye drops can reduce the pressure in the eye chamber. In the advanced stage, the doctor lowers the intraocular pressure with a surgical procedure or with the help of a laser treatment.

Eye disease macular degeneration


In the center of the field of vision appears a gray shadow, the image is blurred and distorted, colors are very difficult to recognize.


The macula is the point of sharpest vision in the center of the retina. In case of degeneration, the cells atrophy there for sharp and colorful vision. In the dry form of the disease, deposits under the retina and a disturbed blood flow to the choroid are the cause. The wet form is caused by small bleeding of the vessels behind the macula, which swell them.

risk factors

Smoking, high blood pressure as well as a strong X-ray or UV radiation exposure.


In the light, dry form, a healthy diet, exercise and high-dose vitamin supplements are often enough to slow the progression. The advanced, moist form can be cured with a laser therapy, in which the leaking blood vessels become deserted. In case of major bleeding, an intervention helps in which an eye surgeon sucks the blood under the retina.

More information can be found under "Diet and Health " and on FACEBOOK .
