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Editor'S Choice

The geniuser Di t by Alfons Schuhbeck

Photo: Verlag Zabert Sandmann / Dr. Kai Uwe Nielsen

Tasty & low in calories

He wanted to lose a few pounds himself - so Alfons Schuhbeck developed a diet. His goal: to eat rich and slim with pleasure

What do you think spontaneously when you hear the name Alfons Schuhbeck ? Enjoyment, refined recipes, delicious dishes? But not to lose weight? That the Bavarian star chef (63) has now written a diet book (see book tip in the gallery), may sound contradictory - but it shows that you can lose weight with pleasure and without crash diets .

And Schuhbeck himself is a good example: the famous cook has lost several pounds with his own diet . "In the last few years I did not care about my weight, " says Alfons Schuhbeck.

Until he was no longer comfortable in his skin and every movement was difficult: "I knew it was high time to make a difference."

According to Schuhbeck's specifications, we have developed recipes that saturate with high volume but deliver low calories. The recipes are delicious, flavorful and cooked quickly - and taste the whole family. Enjoy the dishes on request at lunchtime or in the evening. Fix is ​​1 kilo away - the safe start to the desired figure - HERE it goes to the recipes.

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