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The First BleedingWhat is the timing of the first period over our later self?

Photo: iStock
  1. The first period
  2. Hundreds of genes play a role
  3. Increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease

The first period

Can you still remember when you first got your period? What the age says about our lifestyle and our health.

Can you still remember when you first got your period? Were you 12, 14 or maybe 17 years old? As British researchers have now discovered, the timing of the so-called menarche (the first period) says a lot about our lifestyle and our health.

Hundreds of genes play a role

So far, the researchers assumed that the onset of the first period is strongly related to the eating and exercise habits in childhood. Now you know that genetic factors play a much bigger role. The first time you get your period, 57% can be read at the time of the menarche of the mother, grandmother, aunt and older sister.

The amazing thing is that in the last 100 years, the average age of the menarche in the Western world has dropped from 17 to 13 years. One possible reason: social circumstances. Those who receive little or no attention from their parents in their childhood usually go into puberty earlier. These girls should be prepared in time to start their own family quickly. So even if you are exposed to heavy cigarette smoke in childhood, moves little and poorly nourished.

What are these results based on? On a British study, which is considered the largest of its kind. More than 166 institutions and 180, 000 women underlie the result. Hardly surprising, then, that the experts can also make statements about our future.

Increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease

People who get their periods extremely early or extremely late have a 27% higher risk of heart disease in adulthood than girls whose first period is between 10 and 17 years old. Also, whoever rules for the first time before their 12th birthday, carries a higher risk - a 20% higher risk for breast cancer. The more female hormones our body produces, the more susceptible it is to breast cancer.

Do you have period pain? These seven tips will help you immediately. Also interesting: You spend so much money during your life for your period.

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